How to keep your Usenet & Newsgroup safe with Bandito VPN

Bandito VPN
  • webmaster
  • 21 Feb 2020
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Usenet can be defined as a worldwide news exchange network amongst people and support groups. It’s the world’s oldest electronic exchange of news and information that came into existence in 1979; long before the World Wide Web came into existence.
Usenet is used for various purposes by individuals and user groups. Its objective is to distribute communication seamlessly with no restriction of censorship.
It was the brainchild of two graduate students viz., Jim Ellis and Tom Truscott, of Duke University, North Carolina. They brainstormed and hit upon the idea of connecting different computers to facilitate the exchange of messages/ information amongst members of the UNIX community that would serve more like a bulletin board. Over a short span of time, US universities began to get networked with the intended purpose of exchanging news, academic and research-oriented information. Access was initially restricted, but gradually it began to expand and went onto become a structured and logical network of users and computers. The benefit and use of Usenet gave rise to multiple newsgroups and several millions of articles. Discussion and exchange of information amongst likeminded users spread across Politics, Science, Technology, Music, etc. It became possible to communicate and develop bonds of affinity amongst affinity students who could voice their thoughts and opinions, seek advice, consult with one another, etc.

Usenet Safety

Usenet is very safe to use. It is considered to be safe from Torrents and streaming because it offers enhanced privacy and security. A user is assured of safety from third party monitoring while downloading on Usenet because there is zero visibility from other users or from websites with questionable privacy practices.
The downloads on Usenet are fast and undetectable. The downloading happens directly from Usenet news servers and as such it could deplete the user connection/ subscription service with the internet service provider. There are no seeders or peers involved as in the case with Torrents.
Tips to protect privacy on Usenet:

  • Finalize with only a “Non-Logging” policy:

Choosing an ideal Usenet provider with the VPN means that no log activities are maintained by the service provider. Look out for an established Usenet provider who provides a secure VPN service.

  • Usenet provider’s Encrypted SSL Connections:

SSL is an acronym for Secure Socket Layer which functions as an encryption protocol.
SSL is a technology that users are subjected to when interfacing with a website in a confidential manner as such banking and online shopping sites to maintain the confidentiality of transactions.
On Usenet, all SSL connections are invisible and protected by encryption from Usenet servers.

How VPN helps privacy:

Under normal circumstances, SSL connections have a preventive role in place- keeps away spyware and hackers. However, the service provider can generally detect the user presence on Usenet. Although the ISP will not be able to see the specifics, they can recognize the connectivity with the Usenet server via a Usenet protocol viz., NNTP.
It’s better to remain safe cautious by using a VPN which will block the ISP from detecting the use of Usenet.

No-logs policy from Bandito VPN

Bandito VPN is a premium VPN service and offers the below features:
Internet Privacy Issues, Surveillance, Identity Theft, Tracking, Security Issues

Usenet with VPN advantages

It’s better to remain safe cautious by using a VPN which will block the ISP from detecting the use of Usenet. VPN ensures complete cyber security on online traffic, and not merely NNTP traffic alone.

XS Usenet & Bandito VPN

Bandito VPN can assure that peace of mind when logging onto the internet over public Wi-Fi networks. It’s a robust VPN and keeps hackers away. It’s not possible to intercept passwords and visited websites. Bandito VPN leads the internet to assume the user location while the actual geo-location is somewhere else.

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