Are You Working from Home? Importance of having a VPN in the COVID-19 pandemic

  • webmaster
  • 14 May 2020
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The coronavirus outbreak has triggered a nervous trial run for remote work at a grand scale. What we learn in the next few months could help shape a future of work environment that might have been inevitable, with or without a once-in-a-century public-health crisis. This pandemic has obliterated the rhythms of the American workday. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, only 29 percent of Americans can work from home, including one in 20 service workers and more than half of information workers.

While WFH is not a novel concept and many organizations have already been migrating towards it, the Pandemic has forced the hand of many organizations into an unplanned shift into this system of working. Fortunately, technology and processes exist that can ease the uncertainty of such a migration and also empower you to collaborate and function without too much deviation from your office performance, maybe even enhance your productivity. WFH has quickly become a global norm during this crisis, except for essential service providers, and a professional has to manage office duties as well as the communication for all household duties on the same network, especially if it requires the immediate access to first responders or healthcare workers for children, the ill or the aged.

Risks with Working Remotely

Working from home has its own set of challenges. When telecommuting works, despite saving your time, money, and effort, you are still vulnerable to the following working from home risks:

1. You are isolated, but not your Work: When you worked from your office, it was isolated in your work environment and free from all distractions. Now, you are isolated but your work and your workstation are amidst a hybrid environment where you must also cater to your personal needs as well as those of your co-habitants i.e. family or roommates. If you are worried about network problems, software problems, power outages or work from home problems of your collaborators, a conducive and productive home environment can instantly become an unwanted counterproductive work shift. A good VPN can add to the efficiency of your machine and reduce the anxiety of unwanted distractions.

2. You Lack the Infrastructure & Cybersecurity: You may have the latest workstation, but your home may lack the infrastructure of your office, especially cybersecurity and seamless data access to your dedicated server or cloud storage. You may be adept with technology but other residents of your home may unknowingly invite cyber-threats such as malware into your home network and possibly your system. Additionally, the Traceability of illicit activity becomes harder for your employers and they may suspect you of wrongdoing until they trace the actual perpetrator.

3. HR norms to protect you may not apply: HR regulations governing Work hours, insurance, calculation of overtime, etc. may not apply in the same spirit and interpretation as they did during your office hours. In many countries, an obvious fall out of the work from home regimen has been increased liabilities on employees to protect data and deliver work. Some countries have allowed employers to exclude at-work and travel based insurance commitments to their employees.

How Bandito VPN can help

VPN and Working Remotely can be a safer productive partnership because:

1. Secure Connection and Encrypted Data: First, official access via VPN has added layers of security as compared to normal networks and the data is encrypted before transmission. Bandito VPN does not track your user history; no history means that no other user or hacker can retrieve anything damaging from the VPN logs. Bandito VPN also protects your geo-location by spoofing hackers and cyber intruders.

2. Access Control: Many VPNs do not segregate layers of access control, but Bandito VPN allows for organizations to define their access control and not worry about contractual obligations or renewal terms while maintaining the same hierarchy and protocol for employee access.

3. Endpoint Security: Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) or Two Factor Authentication gives that added protection of real-time verification of an end-user. You can register as a free user and still avail OTP verification on every login of a registered device holder. You can migrate between L2TP, Open VPN, or PPTP options for your VPN as per your requirements.

How to Setup Bandito VPN?

Visit Bandito Packages Page and get started with a one-step sign-up. You will receive super-fast customer support to set-up the VPN in your office and your registered home devices. Bandito VPN permits unlimited data usage at high speeds through a highly secure and data encrypted connection.

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