Cybersecurity Threats in 2024. How Bandito VPN help you protect yourself Online?

  • webmaster
  • 09 Apr 2020
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Cybersecurity Threat

The tussle between cybersecurity and threats to your cyber existence is a never-ending battle. Often, in order to move ahead, one has to take a step back and re-evaluate existing technologies, upgrade them and make them more viable for the public. Although the cybersecurity threats can very much be categorized into the same types, their versions and types get upgraded just like technologies in use. One can say that they adapt to the new challenges and the most common types of threats are enumerated below:

Malware & Viruses: As systems of coding change, so do systems of malware and structures of viruses. These viruses and malware can not only infect your system in terms of functionality but also make them more vulnerable to hacking and data breach. The year 2020 shall witness the continuing trend of threats to cloud-based systems and IoT.

Internal Hackers: These include users who are on your intranet or on your closed-circuit networks and they are hard to prevent unless the network is regular to update their protocol and access criteria. Another safeguard is the fact that internal users are easier to shortlist and trace and yet you can not do anything if they have decided to hack you despite the consequences.

External Hackers: These include those hackers who are not part of your intranet or local network but they gain unauthorized access to your dedicated network and misuse this access to introduce malware into your systems or steal your data. Fortunately, a good VPN can protect you from being tracked and targeted by most external hackers.

How can VPN help?

Virtual Private Networks or VPNs can be effective protection against cyber threats because:

1. They have inbuilt data encryption mechanisms that protect your data.

2. Your data sharing is anonymous, your browser history is secure and you bypass region-locked content.

3. Good VPNs have good firewalls and do not collect user data that can make users vulnerable to cyber threats.

How do external Hackers become Internal hackers?

If your VPN is at risk, you are at risk. Not all VPNs can tackle the following Cyber threats that allow external hackers to become internal hackers:

Spoofing: Hackers can spoof you via emails and IPs and gain access to your VPN. Eventually, they can hijack your device and data.

Session Hijacks: Sequence numbers and IP addresses can give hackers access to your sessions and many VPNs lack the security measures to protect this data.

Device Hijack: Once a hacker has access to any device on a VPN, it is quite possible that he or she spoofs you into accessing your device.

Bandito VPN Advantages

Bandito VPN allows you to seamlessly access the Internet without having to worry about any hacker, even those who may be present in your close proximity. Bandito not only spoofs the internet into misjudging your location but it also spoofs hackers from finding your actual IP and sequence numbers, thus it enables a Bandito user to secure their geo-location and IP information.

2-factor authentication is another way to combat cyber threats that can make many VPNs vulnerable. Essentially, it sends the User an OTP on every login and only the registered device holder can access the user sessions and user account.
Bandito VPN also has encryption that offers an extra layer of security to the user and it does not track user history of hundreds of thousands of subscribers. You can register absolutely free from a premium speed and a no-logs policy. Furthermore, you can select the VPN protocol of your choosing, whether L2tP, Open VPN or PPTP.

The VPN market is estimated to grow to over 54 billion USD by 2024 and this high demand would definitely attract a huge user base as well as cyber threats. It is always best to select a VPN that has dynamically updated itself to counter new types of cyber threats and doesn’t impose excruciating prices from the client for cybersecurity. Bandito is such a VPN and it ensures the privacy of the user to the highest level.


In the current scenario of cyber threats and the growing load on VPNs due to the growing workforce of work from home professionals, it is best not to compromise on performance or security and secure both from a good VPN i.e. Bandito VPN

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