Free VPN: Is it safe to use a free VPN?

  • webmaster
  • 17 May 2021
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The modern digital age has rendered most of us consumer freaks. From digital entertainment to ordering products online, we do it all. With the advent of massive content online comes the issue of censor. With governments across the globe censoring activities and content across the digital platforms, the rising demand of consumer wishing to have access to all types of content is ever growing. Another important factor is that of privacy and security. As applications and services have access to all the information of consumer, there is very little privacy left for common people.

These growing demand has led to the popularity of VPN’s or Virtual Private Network. These network help protect the consumer details such as IP address, location among others from the network providers. It helps protect the privacy of the consumer and also provide various other added benefits.

Risks of Free VPNs

Free VPN’s have been growing in popularity over the years. The fact that they promise secured connection and access to otherwise blocked content for no charge makes them a favorite choice for many. However, free would not be the right word to describe any service in today’s time. There is always a price to pay whenever we use any “free” service.

The moment you use any of these free VPN services, they keep a log of all the websites you have visited. This is similar to a tracking of activity, the exact thing VPN’s are supposed to protect you against. Other issues such as slow connection, data lag and a cap on use are other constraints with free VPN’s.

Another big issue with free VPN is the potential breach of privacy. Free VPN servers can sell your information to third party services. As there are no written contract and obligation on the part of the Free VPN service providers, they may very well monetize your data. This leaves you susceptible to many forms of fraud and scam.

Most free VPN’s are a scam, whereby they are using your information for other reasons. The idea of a secure browsing is a myth with free virtual private networks.

How Free VPNs Use Your Connection

A study conducted recently by Top VPN service providers, most of the free VPN servers operate out of China. As China has strict laws for private networks within their country, the free VPN services could be supported by the Government to get access to information from foreigners. The study also implied that many of these free VPN service providers had serious breaches of contract by sharing the information with third-party assets. This makes free VPN highly unsecured in contrast to what it is supposed to be. This leaves our personal information highly insecure.

How to overcome these issues

In today’s time, a secured connection is the need of the hour for many consumers. With our every day activity virtually happening online, it is important to not let the information fall into wrong hands.

Using paid VPN services is recommended for those seeking a safe, secured and fast connection. The paid service ensured that the company providing the service is well remunerated for the work. It ensures against selling user information to third-party associates.

Paid VPN advantages

There are many advantages of using paid VPN services. It ensures a safe and end to end encrypted service.

No throttling of internet speed. Use the internet at full speed with a free-flowing network connection. This is evident in free VPN services which sometimes throttle the internet connection to limit data use. With paid VPN’s we can enjoy a super-fast connection.

Complete privacy with no tracking of browsing history. There are irritating advertisements in free VPN services. As the service is already paid for, this ensures the service providers do not need to depend upon advertisements for money. An ad free internet use is a dream for many of the digital-age consumer, specially with our daily lives bombarded with advertisements at every turn.

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