How can a VPN speed up your internet?

  • webmaster
  • 14 Aug 2020
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For most internet users, the concept of speed starts and ends with numbers provided by their internet service provider, usually when selling their services. Many ISPs provide justifications to explain their internet speed packages with an aim to justify their increasing prices. Despite the tempting and convincing promises they make, it’s not uncommon to find performance issues when the speed is put to use under normal circumstances.
What are some of us doing to increase speed? Trying VPNs. Does it work though?

Internet Speed

If you’ve ever conducted an internet speed test, you will be familiar with terms like upload and down speeds, and ping times. There’s a good chance you ended up on the speed test page because you’re trying to figure out why your internet service has slowed down. This irritating situation probably occurred when you were trying to stream a video.

When the test results come back, you may be shocked to learn it’s indicating the connection is quick enough to manage the content you’re attempting to access. But there’s a reason for this contradictory result.

Network Performance Factors

Connections to services and websites online traverse through a complex web network. This network is controlled by a myriad of companies and individuals all over the world. The origin of the terms ‘World Wide Web’. The structure of this network of interconnected machines underlying the World Wide Web bears a close resemblance to an actual spider web.

When you conduct an internet speed test, the test data doesn’t exit the ISP’s network. This means you won’t get ‘actual’ results. However, when you visit a particular site, you don’t have any control over the route your data will take to arrive at its destination. The network conditions along this path are also not in your control.

In the actual world, hardware failures, denial of service attacks (DNS), and network congestion have the power to slow down some of the fastest internet connections. These are a few roadblocks that you might encounter!

Does a VPN speed up your Internet?

Yes. A VPN can speed up your internet under some conditions. For instance, your internet connection has slowed down due to interruptions in the regular data path. By first going to a server, a VPN connection may solve this issue because it’s avoiding portions of the route that are responsible for the delay.

You might experience a speed increase if web traffic heads for a network with a superior link with the VPN provider’s network instead of your own internet service provider.

However, by far the most common reason for internet speed delay is bandwidth throttling. What is bandwidth throttling? This occurs when your ISP deliberately slows down your internet speed in any of the following two situations:

1) You’ve reached the prearranged data transfer limitation.
2) When your ISP encounters a specific set of data.

These are going to become common practices amongst American ISPs (due to FCC removing regulations that safeguarded net neutrality). Many ISPs control traffic that uses Bit Torrent protocol. Even high-bandwidth connections to various video streaming sites like Hulu and Netflix are popular targets. ISPs are constantly monitoring different types of traffic that they want to control and will aggressively attempt to slow these specific connections. If you attempt to address with your ISP, they will act ignorant of the action. In return, they will try to upsell you with a more expensive internet speed package.

Luckily, these are some issues where a VPN service can stop. In fact, a VPN is also able to put a stop to your ISP from delaying your traffic overall.

How can a VPN put a stop to bandwidth throttling?

When dealing with directed bandwidth throttling from your ISP, a VPN is a great way to resolve this problem. The secret to the VPN’s success lies in its anonymity.

ISPs decide which traffic to regulate according to a set of pre-programmed identification rules. For instance, they will look for links to traffic that relies on common ports they want to restrict or certain online servers.

When a VPN is used, all data is encrypted and appears to go towards a VPN server, rather than the actual destination. This frustrates the ISP connection because it is unable to categorize the traffic transiting across the VPN connection. If your ISP cannot identify it, they’re unable to throttle it! The inability to take action provides an effective shield from slow internet speeds and intentional shutdowns.

Free VPN makes the internet slower?

If you’re searching for a VPN service provider that offers good speed performance and prevents bandwidth throttling, then avoid free VPN providers. A key difference between a free and paid VPN is performance.
Free VPN providers are often overloaded. This almost always leads to slower speeds. This was the issue you were trying to resolve in the first place!

Premium VPN service providers are the best option. They cost money but are more affordable than you suspect. A subscription to a top VPN will only cost a few dollars each month. With a paid VPN access, you get access to several VPN servers around the world. These servers use the best hardware and implement proper user load balancing.

Bandito VPN

With Bandito VPN operating on your device, you can use the internet anywhere with the confidence that your internet speed won’t slow you down.

To learn more about this VPN, visit

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