Paid VPN Versus Free VPN: Why Purchase Premium VPN When Free VPN Is Available?

  • webmaster
  • 23 Mar 2020
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The Importance of VPN

A Virtual Private Network is a software program. It relies on a secure server to encode data transmitted between a personal computer and a server. When you access the Internet through a VPN, no one (hackers, Internet service providers, etc.) will be able to decipher the data transmitted because it is sent via a secure tunnel. In case a hacker is able to access your information, the data will look nonsensical. A VPN service is essential software for accessing the Internet at work, at home or in public areas.

Virtual Private Networks or VPNs have been around for some time, but have recently gained immense popularity due to increasing concerns over online security. VPNs provide comprehensive Internet security services. Although you may assume that your daily Internet activities are trivial, your online privacy still matters. Nevertheless, the Internet is even more susceptible to attacks than ever before; calling upon stricter protection measures.
When considering a VPN service provider, there are many factors that you must assess. During your search, you will immediately face the challenge of selecting between a paid VPN versus free VPN. Although free VPNs seem tempting, they lack many necessary features.

Free VPN Issues

1) Malware

A CSIRO study found that more than 38% of free VPN apps contain malware. What’s truly mind blowing is that many of these free service providers are highly ranked and used by millions of people around the world. Malware exists in several forms and is usually hidden within a VPN. It is capable of stealing your data and using it to do the following:

– selling it to 3rd parties

– hitting you with spam emails and targeted ads

– stealing your credit card details and money

2) 3rd Party Access

Once the malware has collected your data, it is either transmitted or sold to third parties for a tidy profit. This is a common occurrence in the technology industry. For instance, Facebook used Onavo Protect. This free VPN app was downloaded by over 20 million users. The app collected information about people’s browsing habits and apps.

3) Tracking

A majority of free VPN apps contain tracking libraries. These are embedded in source code and essentially gather all your private data. This user data can be sold to third parties for analytics and advertising.

4) Browser Hijacking

In browser hijacking, the free VPN software takes control and retransmits your browser to various partnership sites. Your permission will not be asked! This is another way that free VPN providers make money.

Paid VPN Advantages

1) Protect Your Data

In a paid VPN service, high-end encryption protocols are put in place to protect your data such as 256-bit AES encryption. This defends your system against hackers who can easily misuse your data. Paid VPN providers also do not log your Internet browsing activity. They ensure that your Internet Protocol (IP) address is not traced. Some VPN providers may keep partial logs, this is only for diagnostic reasons and not to share your information. Premium VPN services use other protection measures such as split tunneling, kill switches, IPv6 leak protection, etc. If you are suddenly disconnected from their VPN server, your data won’t be vulnerable.

2) Provide Customer Support

Most free VPN providers do not offer consistent customer support, usually because they’re unable to afford it. With a paid VPN service, you get access to immediate support which is also reliable. This is typically offered on 24/7 basis. In addition, there is also a knowledge center which can give you additional help resources.

3) Reliable Connections Guaranteed!

One of the biggest paid VPN advantages is that they can provide stable, and unlimited bandwidth. This is possible because premium VPN services have access to multiple, high-speed servers around the globe. Access to multiple servers enables efficient connection speed and unblocking of sites, especially geo-restricted websites.

4) Additional Features

Another bonus feature of paid VPN is that you can easily bypass most servers, anywhere in the world. This means you can easily access American Netflix and iBBC in any part of the world. Access to P2P servers, ad blockers, built-in malware, and IP masking are a few more paid VPN advantages.

Bandito VPN Features

With Bandito VPN, you can use the Internet on public Wi-Fi networks without ever worrying about getting your password hacked, or being intercepted by a hacker. Our VPN service deceives the internet by making it think that you’re accessing services from a particular location rather than your actual geographical location. This is a handy feature to have especially if you love using streaming services such as Amazon, Hulu, or Netflix. These services typically restrict content based on the user’s geographical location, however with Bandito VPN, you can stream videos and content anywhere in the world!
When you’re deciding between paid VPN vs free VPN, consider all the security and privacy features offered by provider. If you want to access the internet without worrying about being hacked or having your personal details stolen, consider Bandito VPN.

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