What to check after buying a VPN?

  • webmaster
  • 28 Feb 2022
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If you want to protect yourself when using public Wi-Fi, then getting a VPN or Virtual Private Network is the best solution. Whether it is for this reason or to keep your location private, you may have got a VPN. Now that you have got the VPN, connect, and start using it, right?

Not exactly! Before you start using the VPN there are other things to be done. These are things that will help you ensure you are secure and get the best from your VPN. We tell you five things that you need to do once you buy a VPN.

1) Install it on all your devices

When you have spent money to buy the VPN, you will want to use it on all your devices. Most people today use the internet extensively on their mobiles, tablets, and iPads. Start by installing the VPN on the devices where you intend to use it. Start with the device that you use most frequently. Then install it on all the other devices. After installing, test it out thoroughly. Each device could present a different interface and you need to understand how it works on different devices. If you face any problems, you can get in touch with customer support and get the problems resolved.

If the VPN is in the trial period, it is all the more important that you try it out thoroughly. This ensures you can uncover problems and get them fixed.

2) Check out the default settings

When you purchased the VPN, the list of features would have impressed you. It is now time to look at the features. The VPN could have a big list of features but you need to ensure they are all working. The VPN starts off with certain default settings. Many of the features could have been switched off. It is important that you go through the settings thoroughly. Decide which features you need and turn them on. Leak protection settings and the kill switch are important settings to activate. Recheck the kill switch settings to ensure it does not block the internet if the VPN is not switched on. If you face any problem with the settings, get in touch with customer support.

3) Test the support offered

When you buy a technical tool like VPN, it is natural you will have many queries. You would get more queries as you start using it. When you first install the VPN and activate its features you may face issues. This is the time you need to test how good customer support is. Get in touch with customer support and get all your queries answered. Avoid asking trivial questions for which you can find answers using help. Ask the questions you need answers to for using the VPN properly. Email, chat, or use the other support options they have. Apart from getting an answer to your queries, you can test how efficient the support is.

4) Confirm the server location

Check your IP address and location after connecting to the VPN. It is important to test this because you should have the option to choose the server of your choice. You need to be able to choose the country of your choice and connect to the server. Practically you may face difficulties using this option. You may end up being connected to a server somewhere else. You can then face problems with low speed and may not be able to connect to the site you want to. This is why you need to confirm the server location. Use IP location tools like IPLocation, ipstack, or IPGeolocation to check the server location.

5) Find out how renewal works

VPN software like most other software would have an auto-renewal option. Switching this option on would ensure the software is renewed on time. If you want a trouble-free renewal, switch auto-renew on. If you would like to do the renewal manually or if you are using a trial version, ensure the settings are switched off. This prevents being billed automatically. Sometimes it is difficult to cancel auto-renewal. So, check out how the option works. Change the settings to what suits you best.

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